America is Divided
WeListen bridges the political divide through conversation
Who We Are: WeListen is a grassroots, campus-based organization bridging the American political divide.
Our Mission: To build empathy across the American political spectrum through conversation.
Our Goal: Change the American political climate by building a movement of listeners on campuses across the country.
What We Do
WeListen convenes small-group discussion to humanize the other side
The Problem
America is divided.
Red states and blue states, echo chambers on social media, and a divisive presidential election. Americans can't seem to get along.
Our Solution
WeListen gets people talking. Face to face.
We're fostering small-group discussion between unlikely conversants to change the American political climate—campus by campus.
Our Method
Small-group conversation on campus.
At WeListen, participants from across the political spectrum—Democrats, Republicans, or neither—engage in facilitated discussion (not debate!) on topics like gun control, free speech, abortion, and immigration.
They come together to learn why someone might not agree with them, and leave with an enhanced understanding of how individuals’ backgrounds and value systems affect how they see the world.
WeListen in the News
Read about our work!
Want to feature WeListen in your publication? Contact welistenusa@gmail.com.
Forget the shouting and demonizing: College students organize civil discussions
March 31, 2019
"So radically simple: Talking—and listening—to people you disagree with"
March 25, 2019
"'A Painful Hope' attempts to find middle ground in Israeli occupation and Palestinian conflict"
November 15, 2018
"This week, we sat in on a WeListen meeting and got student's views on the judiciary system."
October 12, 2018
"Ford School panel considers impacts, logistics of November ballot initiatives"
October 8, 2018
"Bipartisan student group WeListen hosts first annual Fall conference"
September 30, 2018
"Bill Kristol, Neera Tanden show divisive politics, future hope at U-M"
September 30, 2018
"UM students work to bridge political divide, foster civil dialogue"
September 28, 2018
"WeListen staff series works to cultivate respectful conversations"
August 21, 2018
"The launch of WeListen: Students foster civil civic discourse between unlikely conversants"
December 12, 2017
© 2019 WeListen